Wedding Slideshow

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wedding At St. Ignatius Martyr Church - Austin, Texas

A few weeks ago I photographed my second wedding at Saint Ignatius Martyr Church in Austin. The church has a great vibe, with so many friendly people and because of it's location, nestled into the SoCo area of Austin. I even recently discovered that one of my wife's good friends attends church there.
 I was lucky enough to be able to photograph the wedding of my good friends Albert and Marisa. They both have huge families and it was amazing to see such a large family come together so closely. They are a wonderful couple and I feel blessed to have been involved in such a meaningful milestone in their lives.

Their wedding contained some of the elements traditional Mexican and Catholic weddings. For example, their families brought traditional gifts as they proceeded up the aisle, their Godparents (Padrinos) placed the laso around their necks and they were presented with coins - all traditional elements. Another beautiful touch to the wedding was having mariachis perform during the ceremony. This kind of traditional catholic ceremony is longer than the average wedding ceremony, but has more dimensions and depth.

And with more depth to a ceremony comes more meaning and emotion. Photographing weddings like this one make me love wedding photojournalism and the work that I do in the wedding business!


  1. Mariachi Tamazula played at the wedding... I'm one of the violinists. :) It really was a BEAUTIFUL wedding and so nice to see how loving and close both families were. Great pics!

  2. Thanks for the nice comments Melissa! Mariachi Tamazula did a great job as well! I look forward to working with you again soon.
