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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Master Cleanse: Day 3

Day 3 of the MC was sort of non-eventful. I began to feel that I was kicking my caffeine habit (unfortunately only until I start again). One thing that I can't stress enough is to stick to the directions in Peter Glickman's book, "Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier in 10 days" if you can. Use spring water for every emulsion that goes into your body, use the cayenne pepper (even if only in small amounts), use organic lemons (this may be my rule) and drink the quart of salt water as directed every morning - which may be THE most important part of the master cleanse. Why? Because if you think about all the things you take into your body as a part of the MC (lemons, cayenne, water, senna tea)as agents that break down or mobilize the toxins in your body, then how do you get the toxins out of your body in large quantities? They must be "rinsed" or washed out with the salt water flush. Honestly, it's the part of the MC I hate most - other than missing some good meals. But it's necessary.

Oddly enough, it was around day 3 that I also started having some weird pains in my thigh, kind of like a tightening muscle. Ultimately the pain when away after a few days and wasn't terrible. But weird things like this happen on the MC.

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