Wedding Slideshow

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Master Cleanse Day 6 & 7

I had already decided that I wouldn't go the entire 10 days of the MC like I did the 1st time. These days my life
is much more hectic - filled with wedding photography, photo editing, business promotion and communicating with clients - and that's not when I'm not working and spending time with my family.

I knew that I could go longer. After you reach day 4 or 5 of the cleanse for the first time you realize that you've conquered the food demon inside of you. Not to say that food is the enemy, but we all eat too much anyway and it becomes a crutch to depend on food. If you have a bad day you go home and pig out on dinner and eat dessert afterward. Or perhaps you drink. We all do it from time to time, which is why we need the master cleanse to restart and reset our habits and usage of food. And when you realize that the desire for all the food is simply a habit that you can control, you feel as if you've accomplished something.

Oddly enough, on day 6 I started having minor headaches again, which Burroughs attributes to more toxins being mobilized in the body and which need to be removed with the salt water flush. Ultimately I decided to call it quits and start drinking fresh squeezed OJ on day 7, and did that all day. I felt good, my head was still very clear and I'm glad that I completed the MC again!

Just as a side note: When I finished the cleanse I weighed 180 lbs, which means I lost 6-7 lbs. Some people might say that this was water weight, but I beg to differ completely. Tonight (day 9 from start) I ate a full meal and weighed in at 181. I've been drinking water all day and I had a healthy lunch and breakfast. In order to get to the eating point I took these steps:

Drink fresh OJ (either squeezed by me or purchased freshly made at "Froots" or "Jamba Juice" for 36 hours straight.
Have homemade vegetable soup broth with just a few vegetables for lunch after 36 hours. Have more of the same soup for dinner. The next day (beginning day 3 after cleanse) I ate a small breakfast of fruit with a little organic whole grain cereal, then proceeded to a regular healthy diet. This may not work for everyone, but it worked for me!

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