Wedding Slideshow

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Master Cleanse And Why I Like It

I don't usually make posts about non-wedding subjects, but this one is taking up my entire week so I feel the need to share. I'm currently completing the "Master Cleanse"  (aka, lemonade diet) right now for the 3rd time in my life, and I feel pretty good. The Master Cleanse is a body and mind cleansing ritual developed by Stanley Borroughs. Essentially the program is 10 days of fasting whereby you drink lemonade only to cleanse your body of toxins. I don't think this kind of thing is for everyone, mostly because it's difficult to go without food and most people don't miss more than a meal a day - much less going 10 days with no food.  But I personally think it's a great program and I always feel better towards the end and afterward. Why? Because I have the physical desire to eat more healthy, my mind is clearer and I feel that I have more energy.
Anyway, in the next few days I'll probably be blogging more about my experience. Enjoy your weekend!
Oh and if you decide to take the plunge I recommend both of the above books (which are short, but packed with great information).

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